Crypto, blockchain and DLT
Law and taxes in the crypto industry
In recent years, we have seen a dynamic integration of cryptoasset and cryptocurrency services, which are becoming an everyday feature of the modern financial services market. ftl’s experts have been present in crypto consultancy for a dozen or so years, and their experience long predates the first drafts of legislation passed in this area in Poland and the EU. Not only do we help implement new services based on crypto technologies, but we also assist entrepreneurs who are present on the crypto market to adapt to the new reality of regulated business and advise on how best to optimise their crypto activities from a tax perspective.
Blockchain and DLT implementations
Like cryptoservices, also blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) are becoming an integral part of running a modern, innovative business, while generating a number of challenges and questions in the legal and regulatory area. ftl experts provide comprehensive support in this field to enable clients to benefit in full from the opportunities that blockchain and DLT bring while ensuring regulatory compliance.
ftl experts ensure that blockchain and DLT-based solutions are implemented and used correctly, in compliance with legal regulations. Members of the ftl team also advise on the selection of the most advantageous business based on blockchain and DLT, with a view to the client’s business profile, goals and needs. The ftl team’s advice also includes legal support in the area of virtual currency market activity, including the tax aspects.